Tuesday, May 5, 2015

"Opinions of others, voices all 'round"

The title for today's post comes from the first high school play I was ever involved in. The play is called "A Different Drummer", written by Barbetta and Booth, and it talks about the people who were considered outcasts in their day, but who brought about a better world. People like Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, Dorothea Dix.....

I was a part of a traveling troop of performers by the name of Madame Sarah Heartburn. During the play, the troop removes the costumes we arrived in (we all wore leotards, natch) and "became" the other people the Story teller was speaking about....

In the song that I pulled the first line from, I was Abraham Lincoln, and the song went:

"Opinions of others
Voices all 'round
Loud playing bands
And cannon shot sound
Screams of pain
Cries for freedom
Blend in a deadly refrain

Is there a place
Where there is not
A thought of unkindness
A man who forgot
His pledge to his brother
Stand with him in trust
Forgive him his trespasses
As He forgives us

Opinions of others
Have we finally put down
The chains of the black man
In a burial mound
End screams of pain
Cries for freedom

Still men complain"

This song is going through my head today, as I go through the steps to put the web site I finally completed while unable to work post-surgery onto the search engines.  (If you're interested in checking it out, the new page for my publishing company is http://galadriel_emmons.tripod.com/northernbardpublications.html) Being unable to do just one thing at a time, I was also posting more information to my family tree pages, and when popping in to touch base with family members who are on my Facebook page, I tagged Ancestry.com's Facebook page. My thought at the time of the post was that, considering the genetic crap storm that I inherited through my mother, it might be nice to have anyone who follows Ancestry to be able to click on the link, see if they're related - and if so, since there are over 100 Canadians in the photograph of a family reunion before I was born, it might allow someone else to understand why they're having similar hereditary issues.

Can we cue a "wrong" buzzer noise here?

Obviously, people want to learn about their OWN family, but it's not permissible to post something about MY family to the Ancestry Facebook timeline! I'm back to feeling like Abraham Lincoln, trying to share the information I've been collecting since 1980 on my own and on Ansong. cestry.com since 2002, but having to listen to the opinions of others.....

I sincerely hope that all of you who come to visit me here and read my words understand one simple concept: If you don't like it, please move on. I don't need to hear "TMI", or that I shouldn't be saying such things, since this is my personal blog and I'm just voicing my own thoughts.

If you have a different opinion and want me to read YOUR thoughts, please give me the link to YOUR site, and I promise to read your words. I'll either agree with you or I'll smile, shake my head, and move along....

Forgive me my trespasses and I'll forgive you yours.


UPDATE May 22: A friend, whom I love dearly, posted a "Turn Back Thursday" picture on Facebook yesterday that made me realize I have a photo of me as Abraham Lincoln for the above song. For those who want to see this:

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