Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Blizzard of 2015, code named Juno

The view from my writing room window is slowly disappearing. It's on the second floor, and the roof right outside always seems to have an odd wind sheer, making a wave-like drift....

I often feel like I should be talking like a surfer dude when looking out the window looks like the hole house is shooting the curl.....and the effect will become even more pronounced when the storm ends and what's on the upper roof slides off the metal....

The rumble of THAT wave just before you find yourself in the middle of a closeout, when the whole world is naught but fast-moving snow. If I were to point a camera out the window on a sunny day after a snow storm, it might make an interesting shot......

*Looking out the window as a sudden gust makes me think about pointing the camera out the window right now....but then an old war wound reminds me how it feels about the snow*

By the way, if you happen to be in one of the New England states getting a whoopin' from Mother Nature today, and you're tempted to take a toboggan down a slope when the snowin's all done, confident you can miss that big oak tree way down at the bottom.....DON'T DO IT! I know from experience what bouncing a toboggan off that single oak tree at the bottom of a long hill can do to one's hand....and the arthritis isn't worth it.....

Now, if you'll excuse me, the reminders of some of my other "stupid pet tricks" are starting to wake up, as if the storm outside is calling them all out to play, and I have some things to accomplish before the much warned about power outages - probably with the help of a lot of coffee and some over the counter medications, to dull the screaming of the war wounds down to a whisper of a memory....

Happy Juno Day, Dude!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

The theme for 2015 seems to be "I Have No Time".....

Time seems to keep getting away from me of late. It seems that I've just crawled out of bed when it's time to crawl back in, and everything that I intended on getting done seems to still be sitting on the wayside, only partially accomplished.

If I could pray for any one thing at the moment, I think that is what I would pray for: either more time, so that I can complete all the things I need to have happen in a single 24 hour period, or for the ability to move like the Flash.....

Can you just imagine if the second part could really happen?  A sip of coffee, a hearty Hi-ho Silver, and she's off like a rocket, folding a week's worth of laundry and putting it all away in 25 seconds flat! The dishes seem to fly as they go from the sink full of hot, soapy water onto the shelf, dry and clean for the next fantastic meal! The pickles that were put up in 2008 would be dumped onto the compost heap and the glass jars washed and put away for the next time that the hubby suddenly gets the urge to have a vegetable garden, as making pickles isn't really a pleasure, but a necessity in order to prevent grocery bags of cucumbers stacked up to the ceiling, slowly rotting into the wide, old barn boards that make up the dining room floor.....

(Hmmm......maybe I should have thought about it before admitting that there are still pickles in a metal cabinet from that long ago.  The people who produce "Hoarders" may see this post and think that they have an episode here in Maine, visiting a wanna-be writer's disgusting hovel where *gasp* spiders have made permanent Halloween decorations all over the house......)

But since I don't have the ability to move like the Flash - or even like the White Tornado I was accused of being when I was 18 - I guess it must be time to rev up my scooter like Dr. Nefario in "Despicable Me" and see how much I can manage to not complete in the next several hours before I give my pillow some face time...


Catch you all later, maybe, if I survive the attempt to get Shelob and her sisters evacuated from the house. However, if you step inside and see this: