Monday, January 16, 2017

The Conspiracy Theorists

I've just recently gone through my Facebook pages to get rid of all the "Negative Nancy's" who, for reasons all their own, believe that EVERYTHING the government does is WRONG.

Here's an example, which I was about 8 years old when that famous line: "It's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

Now,  NASA just released photos that they claim shows the moon missions ( and I can tell you, from my cousin Tim's observation as well as my own, that the brief view of the Earth in the helmet just before that famous line had Tim all excited about Space Exploration. If he'd still been alive when the Challenger blew up, he might have been there with them...

And if you want to blow up at me because I DON'T believe the anti-NASA propangada - or that someone else was responsible for JFK's murder - or that, every time a plane takes off, it's emitting vapor trails that are killing us, go to your favorite word program, type me a letter - and then delete it, because that's how much I care to listen to that. The American History may span less than 550 years so far, but you can't rewrite history because something your family did (or didn't do) doesn't figure in your scheme of life and the history books are against you....

Like the Burning of the Witches, or the Black Plague, or the Crusades, or any one of a number of things we, as people, allowed to happen...

And CONTINUE to allow to happen....

When are we, as Americans, going to stop living in fear of the "other countries" trying to get our stuff, even to the point that you take a good look around, realize that your friends and neighbors AREN'T running some "Conspiracy" against you, and realize that, if you want peace and unity, YOU have to put out some effort for it?

As our Maine Governor likes to point out, it's not "people from away coming in to sell drugs and get our girl's pregnant", it's the people right next door "selling drugs and getting our girl's pregnant". If we stopped trying to right the world and started with my street, my community, my state, then pretty soon, the good you do in your little street will grow.

If you stop whining on Facebook and Twitter about the homeless and took a homeless person a blanket, a hot drink and something to eat, wouldn't the homeless benefit?

If you rescue a dog or a cat, even to getting the pet into a shelter so it can be adopted, wouldn't the homeless pet benefit?

And if you stop whining that "history was a bunch of conspiracies" and defending yourself to get out there and DO something beneficial, who's it going to hurt? Maybe your pocketbook, just a little, when you take it out and give a little.

But what happens to the millionaires and billionaires that Washington puts "in charge"?

If one buys locally (putting the "big box" stores out of business), the millionaires and billionaires will find their income drastically shrinking. The Tax Write-Offs that our President-elect promised them will shrink. The "big money" will matter less, should we stop our bickering and SHARE this United States. All the people in Washington will have to DO AS PROMISED and Drain The Swamp.

Speaking of, how many of you have a job that is almost $200,000 per year, health and benefits included, that get to KEEP that job until you die? Not just the big bucks, but the health and benefits part too? And here in MAINE, Governor LePage is CUTTING BACK ALL FORMS OF BENEFITS FOR THE HOMELESS AND THE DISABLED! (Which includes yours truly, who will be getting disablity for the next year, while the Chemotherapy makes me talk like Elmer Fudd on Valium.)

So, if you're a conspiracy theorist, DON'T be in touch.

If you truly want to make a difference in this world, take another look at your neighborhood and think about what YOU can do to make a difference. If we stop whining, maybe we'll make a difference.