Friday, August 15, 2014

A word about Writer's Block...

Someone on Goodreads asked the other day how I handle that ever popular ailment, Writer's Block.

I have a hard time with actually coming up with a constructive answer for that one.  This is how I think of this problem:

Seriously.  The stories basically are just there in my head, the characters running their lines until I can get to the keyboard and get the words down.  When one set of characters either isn't speaking to me or there's some sort of turmoil over where the story is currently going, I see who else is talking and work on another piece for a while.  There's very seldom a point when NO ONE talks, so it's hard to tell how to get past a "block" that never seems to occur.

Now, if a SCENE isn't quite working out, that's a different problem.  That usually calls for a nice pot of tea and some contemplation.  Before the tea is either gone or cold, I've usually come up with a rewording that works.

I highly suggest peppermint tea.  It opens the sinuses and makes it easier for the thoughts to get through the old brain pan.

Just thought I'd share something positive - and I apologize for the rant yesterday.

Right after my rant about the person who told me their dog could photoshop better than the pro I hired, I saw that Zelda Williams has removed herself from social media for a time because of haters.  It's truly sad that people hide behind their computer screens to lash out at others who are trying to make a better world.  So very sad that there are people who have to make themselves feel superior by cutting others down....

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