Tuesday, February 4, 2014

So much time, so little to do! Strike that! Reverse it!

Over the past few weeks, I've felt like that proverbial "chicken with it's head cut off" (and having grown up on a farm, I can honestly tell you that the chicken's body really DOES continue to tear around the yard when the head is removed.  It's NOT a pretty sight, even when it's just me dashing around my house fast enough to do a little misstep that caused me to bash my right foot on a brick hearth, dislocating my pinkie toe for the hundredth time and bruising the heck out of the foot!).  During the past few weeks, however, I've managed to get a lot accomplished.....

In preparation for the Local Author Series talk and book sale, I've purchased a covered cart with wheels in which I can transport my books safely from my car to the Portland Public Library, even if it happens to snow on February 28th.

I have a locking cash box that I'm slowly gathering cash in, allowing me to have change for people who are purchasing the books without having the entire change amount having to be pulled out of the budget as a lump sum, as it's easier to pull a couple of fives and tens each week to add to the change bin.

I've practiced the speech a couple of times and am about to commit the "high points" (as my speech teacher called the most important bits that you want to make sure you place in front of the audience) onto the index cards that I've picked up to have available, just in case I get really nervous (as I used to do) and need to remind myself where this is supposed to be going.

As mentioned in an earlier blog post, I have the flyers made up and ready to be posted around the area to announce the talk.

I've been in touch with some of the local newspapers about a press release and am just waiting for responses before sending them the pre-written press release.

In short, I'm as ready as I can be for a speech that I still have three and a partial weeks to prepare for.....

And while all of this has been going on, Stefan Savoldi and Kelly Starbird have continued to show me scenes from "A Wild Tiger's Heart" that I've been doing research on before I write them down.....

The scene that I used for the title of this post keeps running through my head (and you can see it here: http://youtu.be/G_rKWdH-ox8), as I keep feeling like I'm forgetting to do something in the preparation, but can't come up with what I've missed......

Should you wish to get on at the ground floor on the newest "work in progress", I've also been working on the fan page on Facebook for "A Wild Tiger's Heart" (available here: https://www.facebook.com/awildtigersheart?ref=stream).  I have a couple of pictures that have come up during trips into search engines when putting in key words that might bring up models who could serve as the characters, there are suggestions as to items that Kyle Benton, that eccentric multi-millionaire, would include if given carte blanche by Kelly in the building of a unique cabin in the secluded Maine woods for her to live in, and photos of places she wanted to visit and cross off her "bucket list"........

Feel free to add anything you think might help me with the writing of the tale that YOU might come across, such as model suggestions, odd things to include in the house, etc........

In the meantime, I'm off again, running downstairs to try to finish the dishes and get some clothes that my recent weight loss has made improper for me to wear into boxes to give away to people in need.  (Frankly, when you go to put something into your pocket and, despite wearing a belt, you find you've pantsed yourself because the pants are now two sizes too big, it's time to give them up - even if they ARE your favorite fleece-lined blue jeans that have been keeping you warm for the past three years......)

Take care, my lovelies, and I hope to see at least some of you in Portland, Maine for February 28th.

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