Tuesday, March 11, 2014

And the cat came back the very next day.......

A friend in college introduced me to this song, and when I discovered You Tube, I found this video of this song:


I'm hoping that it doesn't prove prophetic this morning, as the cats who've been sharing our home since just after Christmas have all gone back to their proper places.  Nothing against my daughter's cat, Meeko, or her former roommates' cats, Moses and Thomas, but it felt really good to go to bed last night without kicking cats out of the bedroom (so that they wouldn't wake me in the middle of the night by clearing the earrings off my dresser or knocking my glasses off the nightstand).  It also felt very good to be able to come downstairs, get my coffee and settle into my office chair without kicking someone out of the chair.  Even the little Shih-Tzu/Pomeranian we've been sharing our house with for almost 4 years now seems much more relaxed this morning, as it's the first time in about 4 months that he was able to eat his breakfast without having to chase any cats away from his dish......

Of course, the best part of the end of the fostering arrangement we made, as we had only promised to care for the cats until the girls got settled into new apartments, is the fact that the first part of the income tax returns have arrived in our bank account.  The ancient farmhouse that we call home has several places where the former owners did additions, but didn't do them properly, so this past winter, it was more like living in an igloo rather than an enclosed building.  Spots where there wasn't a proper foundation poured have rotted out, giving the cold winter air places to slip through into our living space.  Just outside the room where I'm writing this, we've had a tarp and two sleeping bags hanging all winter, trying to cut back on the cold winter breeze blowing past us, but it's been so horrifically cold, we've still been freezing our tail feathers off.

In short, over the next couple of weeks, we're going to be purchasing wood, plywood and drywall to first build a wall between the main house and the rotted part, then we'll be taking off the rotted sections to make this place the comfortable place that it has the potential to be.

What this means for me is kind of a two-fold situation.  On the one hand, it means that the former shed that was turned into a glorified outhouse, an unheated bathroom downstairs that everyone has hated having to use, is going to finally be taken away.  Smells and chills that have interrupted my concentration will be gone.  Trying to go into that bathroom after dark, on which the door was put in upside down, resulting in a doorknob that is closer to chest height instead of the regular hip height, will no longer be necessary.  (There will still be the properly done bathroom off the master bedroom upstairs.)

But there are a lot of things that have to find new places to be stored as the rooms disappear or the items that I've been storing will have to make their way to Goodwill if we no longer need them.  There will be sawdust and pounding noises to be dealt with.  Instead of being able to come home with my eyes glazed, seeing a scene that is demanding I sit down to transcribe it, I'll have to concern myself with helping my husband with the work that we'll be doing......

In short, although there's a good side to this needed remodeling, the work is going to be slowing down production on "A Wild Tiger's Heart".  I'm looking forward to getting the work done and being able to be warm for next winter, but I can't promise the next installment in The Tiger Series until some time next year......

And I keep hoping for a lottery win so that, instead of having to do this with just my husband and I doing all the work, we might be able to hire a contractor and have it happen in very short order, guaranteeing that we aren't going to be delayed by my husband taking off for fishing trips in the middle of the work.....

Let's see what tomorrow's review of my Astrological Chart with my friend, Ahura Z., tells me about the possibility of my actually being able to afford a professional instead of helping my husband with a DIY project......


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