Thursday, September 11, 2014

Getting closer to the release/The Cover

As time is flying by faster and faster with me stressing out because I have to complete the editing for the rest of the pre-release things to happen, we at least have settled on the look for the text on the cover.  The final front cover looks like this, and the art director is starting work on the back cover, which, after seeing several other new books covers from several other publishing companies, we've decided will have the second choice photo from this same shoot as the back cover.....

(There is still a test to be made to confirm that the "gold" letters will look gold when printed on the proper paper with the right ink, but I'm truly impressed with how good this looks, and don't regret spending my hard earned cash for the photo shoot with Daniel Sobieray and Patrice Garza.  They really look marvelous, don't they?)

In the meantime, talks have begun for a re-release of the first two books, with only a new "Northern Bard Release" cover to be done on "The Tiger's Cub" and a new cover plus a couple of minor corrections to be done to the story in "Night of the Tiger".  I'll still be using Belle Louve as the cover model for "Cub", since she was able to give us full permission to use her photos and I simply can't afford Dylan Griner, but I'm going to start looking for an Asian/American looking model to be Teresanna/Tanya/The Lady Tigre for "Night".

Suggestions will be welcomed, especially if anyone can suggest a handsome green eyed muscleman to play Kyle in the same photo shoot without pushing my budget limits too hard....

Thank you to all who are still reading my blogs, and I sincerely hope you like Kelly and Stefan.

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