Monday, October 6, 2014

Houston, We Have A Problem

Since I've been updating you on the progress on the newest creation....

One more chapter to edit and then it starts to get interesting. Reviewers will get the tale next, acting sort of like "guest editors". Their thoughts on the book may or may not get used anywhere (at the publisher's discretion), but since they're trusted friends who did this on at least one other book ....

Yeah. They know me. They know if they point out something that's off, it will be fixed before it goes to the publisher. I like having friends like that.

Only problem is that the last two books were around 77,000 words each.

"A Wild Tiger's Heart" is currently at 106,000 words, and as I've made corrections, it's been growing. (Final count as of editing completion on 10/8/2014: 108,563)

Of course, I keep telling myself that the word count also includes the stuff that isn't really part of the story.

There's the copyright stuff already added
And the bit about it being a work of fiction
A dedication
Thank yous to those who helped
A preface that reintroduces the characters from the other books, just in case the reader didn't read the first two

All that only takes up 1000 words.

Let's see what the critics think before I start to worry about what to cut out. Perhaps it just needed a bit more story for Kelly and Stefan. They are a little older than the other two couples I've written about..

So, to quote all those old shows I grew up watching, "The moral of this story is...:"

If you have a network of people you can trust to give you the truth, not matter how much it may hurt, trust them with your baby. Sometimes you can be surprised. Sometimes they tell you that you did good....


Back to that last chapter, much as I always hate to see the stories end. It's time to finish my baby and send it off to see what others think before the publisher, who almost has the whole cover ready except for the depth of the spine for the title there, gets it.

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