Saturday, October 11, 2014

In my best Gomer Pyle voice: "Surprise, surprise, surprise"

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away......

Oh, wait. That one's been used....

About two and one-half decades ago, I wrote a short story to prove to my mother-in-law that I could make money from my writing. In order to hide the fact that my male character was at least partially based on my sister-in-law's fiance (at the time), I described Kyle Benton as having long, dark hair and a full beard with heavenly green eyes.  I had no internet access in 1989, so the thought of actually locating someone to portray Kyle on a fan site never even crossed my mind.

Fast forward to 2008, when "Night of the Tiger", which had been online as an ebook for almost a decade, was being released as a paperback.  Looking for new ways to market such things, I started looking at fan pages and such, but multiple searches for a model who looked like Kyle kept bringing up those ever-popular pages I call "pink bunny slippers", as they're cute, but have absolutely nothing to do with what I searched for.  It wasn't until I was looking for a picture of a model for the next book that I came across this photo of Greek model Theo Theodoridis:

I almost fell off of my seat, as this is the Kyle I was picturing with his beard trimmed back a bit. But then, this handsome man posted one yesterday that seriously made me choke on the coffee I had just sipped.  THIS is the handsome devil of a man that I have been picturing in my mind since 1989 as the truck driver who works his way into the life of a little Amer-asian exotic dancer, a young woman who has been hiding in plain sight for 7 long years....

All I could think yesterday was that, somehow, from inside the cob web infested darkness at the back of my brain, my little former exotic dancer managed to snap a photo of her truck driver and posted it on the internet for me...

I understand that people have been telling me for years now that God, or Allah, or Yahweh, or He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named can sometimes do strange things to show us that we're on the right path, but this is getting a little ridiculous! The Universe seems to be having fun with me this year, first slamming me with an all-too-perfect model/actor for the part of Stefan Savoldi, then showing me these wonderful new photos of Theo that look more like Kyle than anything I've been able to find online so far.

Maybe I should ask for that new model for Chase, since Dylan hasn't been posting new photos?

Addendum 10/19/14: Theo posted another photo this week that presented me with the whiney voice of my character fussing because it was another photo that I was trying to swear looked like Kyle from his days as a trucker.

"But I'm computer illiterate and never had a laptop on the road!" Kyle whines in my head, even though, in his current short haired and clean shaven state, he DOES have a laptop in his office that he uses to keep track of his family as they travel in Europe.  Too bad, Kyle!  I still think this photo looks like your lovely wife snuck up on you in the early days of your relationship and snapped a photo of you......

And thank you, Theo, for the posts on Facebook that I'm "creatively borrowing". So good to see you on a regular basis instead of just hearing gossip and rumor about how you're doing.  *grin*

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