Monday, February 2, 2015

The Universe Strikes Again!

It looks like this is going to be another "be careful what you ask for" year....with the exception of winning the lottery, that is.  Seems the Universe doesn't wish for me to get money that way....

However, when I want a model for a book cover who will work with me and the team at Northern Bard Publications, I get one, it seems.

The latest came just as we were scouting big red barns and/or silos around the area that can be photographed for the background of the new, improved "Night of the Tiger", hopefully with a sexy new cover and a new size that matches book three....

I made the above wish for a model, silently instead of on Facebook. The Universe responded with a slightly lesser version of the response for "A Wild Tiger's Heart", but not for book one, which also needs some editing/rewriting to correct a couple of minor glitches. The face it presented was Derek Yates, a young man who has the green eyes, the right hair color/style, the body....

As in this photo from FuriousFotog,, Derek bares a striking resemblance to the Chase I see in my mind's eye whenever my character whispers in my ear, letting me know that there may still be another Tiger story at some point in my future:

Just about the time I started looking at other pictures of Derek, he was chosen as Ellen Degeneres new gardener in a contest. I thought the chance of me being able to hire him to be Chase on a cover were nil.....

But when I made a comment on my Facebook fan page for "The Tiger's Cub", he responded with a like and an email address. I responded to the email. A week later, we have a cover for the art director to "play" with, adding in my lovely lady Aloriah (yes, I know - it's hard to figure out, but if you break it down, it's Al-or-e-ah, and Chase calls her "Ree") onto the back......

Because I feel like being a little mysterious this time around, I'm not posting an advance photo, but I highly encourage you to check out my new model for Chase on his Facebook page: or just drop the name Derek Yates into Google and follow any one of the links there. Should you need a model, he's very easy to work with, and I'm eager to see what Northern Bard Publications is going to do with the excellent photo he's selling us.....

But Universe?  Before you grant my wish for a pair of models for the new cover for "Night of the Tiger", can we talk funding?


If not the lottery, then by book sales?


*making a face like a pleading puppy*

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