Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Good, The Bad, and The Obnoxious

Who is totally sick of all these blankety blank posts about the coming election?  I don't need to see any hands here, as everyone I've talked to who isn't 100% behind their candidate (and who is) are SICK to DEATH of all the ads, memes and other forms of media that are all just negative, negative, negative. What happened to the old days, when the politicians got your vote by coming onto you property, saying what they represented if they got elected to the House or Senate, and got your vote the old fashioned way: by REPRESENTING what they wanted to do and NOT what you were getting if you voted for their opponent?

Take my state, for example, which is run by a bigoted, racist Republican who insists that he ISN'T a racist or a bigot, (Here's just one of the "news flashes" he's been involved in: )  we like to take the news on television or radio after it's been properly researched, documented and, in cases like this year's Presidential, Senate and House of Representatives have "approved this message". We like to pretend that it doesn't bother us that these people might not be "representing" themselves, but are just trying to get to that $174,000 that they want before all else...

And the ads?

They start almost before one has a chance to see who's up for votes.

Here's a few of those who appear on our ads who have NOTHING to recommend them other than their highfalutin big names, typically having an opinion about "their candidate" that takes precedence to do ANYTHING against the "other side" to make sure he or she wins.

(this list will grow)

They do this form of "ad" because there are pros and cons to this, and if they can make you go to the polls - or NOT go to the polls - with your mind all confused about what you're voting on, they win.

And these are some of the numerous links to support or distract from negative ads continuing.

With all the negativity, do we NEED this?

NO !

How do we change that?

Don't do what they expect!

READ the links and realize that they have take control and only WE THE PEOPLE can stop it!

Do you LIKE having all the millionaires and billionaires coming up with ways to never pay taxes, making YOU pay thier shares? Do you LIKE having the minimum wage so far below a liveable wage while these people control who you vote for with their negative ads? You can change that!

It's time for the common man to step up and force our government to stop these things by voting from the heart instead of the thousands of dollars that they spend on trying to get their way. It's time to get control of the US by saying "This isn't going to work any more."

I have a dream.....

(Addendum 10/13/2016: PLEASE go and investigate your options, think about it, and vote with your heart. This is one such place you can check on tons of people....but don't look for Trump. He has never been a "real" politician, so there are no records.

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