Thursday, November 3, 2016

And The Results on the "Ghosties" is......

I realized that, after yesterday's "study", and MRI and a visit to the neurosurgeon, I forgot to come in to share the results....

The study, aimed at finding out how much of my brain is left and helping others to cope, baffled Sarah. (As I keep telling Bill, it's not what I can get to move past my mouth that bothers me, as inside my brain, I have all the things I've ever learned at my disposal....but I can't get it past my lips when I want to.) She pointed out to us that, when we're doing the "word game" (I'm given a letter and have to come up with words that begin with "A" or some such) that I'm coming up with things like "antigone"....

Then on to the MRI, which introduced me to another Millinocket boy who's down here making money instead of living where he'd prefer - another fun guy who was teasing a new tech as they inserted a tube so that they could inject the same stuff that showed the cancer on the first MRI in June.

And then there was the neurosurgeon visit, which we had to wait for the MRI results to come in before we could advance. The neurosurgeon brought up the last MRI I'd had in July, post surgery, which showed a lot of "ghostlings" that we'd done the radiation to destroy. The injection of the stuff that the MRI staff had put in came next - and the results were phenominal! Most of the little "ghost toasties" were gone!

In February, I'll have another MRI, another visit with the neurosurgeon - and hopefully, more good news. For now, I'm basking.....

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