Thursday, November 10, 2016

Baffled, bewildered and.....Here Comes the Hulk!

I started off Monday of this week with Chemotherapy drugs. They're very specific about when I take them, with a two hour fast, then the Termador, then another hour of fasting before I can eat again. Despite the doctor telling me that most people do this just before bed (when I'd need to take my Keppra - all four pills - and a Phenyton), I find it easier to eat my lunch at 11:30, take the Zofran at 1:30, then the Termador at 2, when I take my second Phenyton.

You see, I've taken to taking a nap at about 2:30 - 4:30 most days, so as soon as I've taken my pills, I go and make myself comfortable on the futon. Some days, I get into the movie I've set up in the Blu-Ray and just lay there and rest. Other days, I find myself coming awake at between 4:30 and 5 o'clock.

And then it's up to Bill to figure out what I'm trying to say for the first little while, which sometimes is a half an hour, but often is a struggle for the evening...

Poor Bill.....

But then this Tuesday, with our election, I had to make a decision: Do I go out and hope for the best to do my duty, or do I take a loss and hope others make up that vote?

With all the negative ads, PARTICULARLY for the people who were from another district, but who were running the ads on MY tv, I went and voted.....and plan on hitting up the media stations with a "No Negative Ads" campaign for the next election.....

Why should I, in the Congressional Two catagory, be inundated with the Congressional One ads WHEN I DON'T EVEN GET TO VOTE FOR THESE A-HOLES?  (I never even saw an add for the people I needed to vote on!)

So, for all of you who live in the United States, we NEED to stop this! The negative ads, most of whom I noted in an earlier post, NEED TO STOP!  We need a system that limits the negativity, most of which I've been putting up with/turning off the ads on for TWO YEARS! AND MOST OF THESE ADS ARE FOR PEOPLE WE AREN'T ALLOWED TO VOTE FOR!

So, for those who haven't seen this, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, but by the DNC laws, she lost the Electoral College. (Someone way back in the history of the DNC decided that this would be better than the "one vote per person", so you have your popular vote, which tells one story, and then you have the Electoral College vote, which, for instance, means that Maine gets 4 votes in the Electoral College. The results don't always match. It's how we ended up with Hillary over Bernie Sanders, because HE won the popular vote, but the people she paid in the Electorial College got her that vote. Karma, for sure, that Hillary lost by the EC vote after "pulling off" the win over Bernie, but.....) [Addendums one and two: two places one can find the Electoral College.

All things aside, the DNC has a BUNCH of unsatisfied people protesting Trump's leadership. It's their own fault for the Electoral College thing (more here:, and ALL of America would be satisfied with the "one vote p\er person" side of things. I'm going to let it all die down, then I plan on getting in touch with the House of Representatives and the Senate to get rid of that stupid bill. WE'RE ALL ADULTS AND CAN TAKE OUT THAT STUPID RULE!

Maybe, but 2020, we can have a DECENT election, with DECENT candidates, who ACTUALLY CARE whether or not we have a decent race!

In the meantime, as my family has insisted that I AM the Hulk, I have one thing to say to ANYONE who makes the mistake of coming into my yard over the next few months for this petition or that petition:


For anyone who makes the mistake of stopping in for any other reason, let me get my mask down off the wall so that you can have the proper Deadpool response to your inquiry.....

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