Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Thanksgiving Thoughts

I'm trying to encourage myself to start the "Turkey Day" stuff by going out to the freezer and bringing in the bird so that it can start defrosting. (It comes in SO frozen from the store that I've discovered in years past that this is necessary.) I need to get the garbage to the dump as it rarely goes well trying to get it there for the first week past Thanksgiving. I blame Arlo Guthrie and his popular song that takes place over Thanksgiving.....

Any excuse in a storm.....


And I need to list my Thanksgiving Menu so that I can properly mark stuff off as it gets started on Thanksgiving morning. (Another thing discovered in past years. Bill's family had traditions I had never heard of. My family had traditions his family had never heard of. Between the two of us, we've come up with a menu that works - and it really works best if I have a list so we don't forget something like the "drunken turkey" glaze like I did one year...

Of course, it helps that I'm starting my day with some baklava that my husband got for me at Masa.....

Any port in a storm.....

(Realizing I have two "in a storm" references, I sign out, partially to begin the day, but also to refresh my dictionary skills.....)

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